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Alternatives and Resources

As an alternative to private services, no- to low-cost community services in BC include:

Child & Youth Mental Health Teams (Up to 19 years old)

Foundry (Ages 12-24)​

Confident Parents, Thriving Kids Program for Anxiety or Behavior Problems (Ages 3-12)

Access and Assessment Centre at VGH (Ages 17+)

Bounce Back for Mild to Moderate Depression, Anxiety, Stress or Worry (Ages 13+)​


Phone Supports:

Suicide crisis: 1 800 SUICIDE (1 800 784-­2433)

Other mental health issues: 310-­6789 (24 hours)


Online Resources:


Anxiety Canada

Feelings First

Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre

Child Mind Institute

International OCD Foundation

Anxiety and Depression Association of America

Tourette Association of America

The TLC Foundation for BFRBs

©2024 by HeadQuarters Mental Health

Therapy for OCD, Anxiety, Tics, & BFRBS
Dr. Robert Selles; Vancouver, British Columbia (BC)

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